Dr. Janet Chene M.D.
Background: Dr. Chene has 21 years Integrative and Functional Medicine practice experience at the Healing Arts Center, an Integrative Healthcare setting in the Texas Hill Country city of Kerrville. Integrative Medicine cares for the body, mind and spirit Integrating the best of modern medicine with natural methods and healing traditions with proven track records from around the world whenever possible to obtain optimal health for each patient. Prior to that she was teaching faculty at two medical colleges for 8 years and worked Emergency Medicine for 15 years. The last 4 years of her teaching tenure prior to moving to Texas she was allowed to pursue her long time interest in scientifically supported ways to help patients achieve and maintain health naturally with Integrative Medicine. With the TeleHealth visits offered, she does not prescribe medications or diagnose, you would provide the diagnosis given by your doctor as part of your history and area of concern. This way the usual standard of care in medicine has been met by your regular physician and Dr. Chene will offer information, as a nutritionist, that compliments with what your regular physician does. If your condition changes, it would be up to your physician to change or eliminate any medications that you need.
Mission Statement
An estimated that 75% of disease and the major causes of disability and premature death can be prevented by applying information that we already have. The problem is that although there is good information available, most people without advanced scientific training have a difficult time figuring out what information is accurate and helpful. Dr Chene’s goal is to empower people to take charge of their health by providing them with the most useful science based information on reducing risk of the most common causes of disability and early death. This approach is good for the individual as well as for our nation. An increase of unhealthy "Baby Boomers" in the coming years will overwhelm the nation's health care system (especially nursing homes) unless people act now to improve their health.
Dr. Chene is committed to empowering people, with valid information, to attain their optimal health - integrating the best natural options with conventional modern medicine. She has high ethical standards to act in the best interest of each person who seeks information from her and will not compromise this integrity. Her allegiance is to the customer/client, and therefore her not to any business people, including insurance companies, HMOs, pharmaceutical corporations, supplement companies and other for-profit groups. She donates a significant portion (100%) of any funds she receives to Putrela Children’s home and school which helps orphaned children who previously lived on the street and also those children that were victims of sex trafficking in India. You can search Putrela Children’s Home and see what is being done there and if you also wish to help you can send a donation securely through: https://pushpay.com/g/oasisministries which will send funds in a secure way to India.
Accreditation & Training
Founding Diplomat of the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine
Fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice
Board Certified by the American Board of Family Practice 1990 - 2022 (did not renew)
Internship and Residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin
Former Teaching Faculty at both Medical College of Wisconsin and Chicago Medical School
Advanced training in nutrition, neurotransmitter support, Integrative and Functional Medicine
Advanced training in the use of botanical medicine in modern clinical practice at Columbia University, in conjunction with the University of Arizona Department of Integrative Medicine (coordinated by Andrew Weil, M.D.)
Additional training in osteopathic medicine at Michigan State University
Emergency Department Physician for 12 years ( plus 3 years as paramedic in Detroit during undergraduate studies)
Personal visits to many countries' health care facilities to learn how medicine is used in various areas of the world both East and West
Licensed in Texas and prior licenses held in New Mexico, Arizona, Washington and Wisconsin
Professional and Honorary Societies
Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physician
Member of the Association for Advancement of Restorative Medicine
Member of Union of Concerned Scientists
Outstanding Patient Experience Awards 2020, 2019, 2018
Patient’s Choice Award 2015
Compassionate Doctor Recognition 2014
AMA Physician’s Recognition Awards (multiple years)